Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Slim Pickens

Originally uploaded by Aya_K_Alt.

This is Slim Pickens, a crack/corner at the Spiders Web in the Dacks. Mostly the web is a bunch of overhanging, beautiful cracks, but this one is a bit different in that it goes up the corner, turning into a stemming problem. Mellor rates it at 5.9+; realistically I'd drop the +. Either way, Saturday morning before the afternoon wedding we went to, but after the 7AM rainstorm that I thought would make the day a washout (can you believe the blue skies?!), I led it. No problems. Not to toot my own horn, because let's face it, it's only 5.9 and it's mostly an exercise in stemming, which as we all know is mostly footwork, which as we all know is apparently my forte, but all the same, I've only led a handful of other 5.9s on gear before (They Died Laughing over in NH and Wasp and No Glow down at the gunks) so it was pretty good to get up there so easily!


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