Lest you think i've disappeared, a quick update. Joe came down to the city last Wednesday, and we went out to Phoenix Garden, the Frying Pan, and then Red Rocks. Feeling pretty slow on Thursday, so we took an 8 mile walk with the dogs around the city. Rocky chewed through 3 of Stella's leashes, including my Brown University one, the expensive retractable one, and the one I made from the end of my very first climbing rope. Jackass. He also chewed through his own retractable one. We went climbing at the Gunks on Friday, and I can't even remember all the climbs we did... Nice Crack Climb, Trapped Like a Rat, BB Route, Ken's Crack, Jackie, Pink Laurel, Big Chimney, Laurel... Jen and Darwin'd met us there, and we'd run into (names slipping me... some guy, and then another guy I met at the bivy a few times... has a cute dog named Kahlua and he fucked the power steering on his truck on a rock in the driveway?) a couple other guys, so we all went out to eat and drink at Bacchus. After that, we went to go see Brigid & Yves, but as Brigid'd asked for a 6 of Guinness, we stopped at the Mobil station to pick it up. Darwin almost got into a fight with the proprietor for some reason we couldn't figure out, but we also picked up some 40s of Old E and some Sparks. That shit is nasty... like Red Bull & Guiness in a can... but we had it anyway... and chugged the Old E. Yay for hangover land! We slept in the back of the truck, which sucked. I woke up with my back spasming so badly that I could hardly move, and covered in mosquito bites... although those are nothing to the chigger bites I got on Saturday, and the poison ivy that's subsequently turned up... yuck! Well we went out to Montauk to catch Nancy Atlas play on Sunday, and I had my midterm on monday for which I was superexhausted... got an A anyway... so now I'm off for the Dacks, to do some climbing and go to a wedding, not that I know the people getting married. I'm going to wear my ikea-curtain dress. Nice!
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Previous Posts
- I love love love the adirondacks. Beautiful week.T...
- I made some more tshirts this morning.Buy them here.
- I'm a big dork. I made a gunks tshirt. The next on...
- $700 to fix the brakes on my car - and I haven't e...
- Well, I guess I didn't even manage to get to the g...
- A cat bite that turned into cellulitis landed me i...
- Good god... too much climbing. I can't even rememb...
- I guess I didn’t update on last weekend, so a full...
- Ah, hell, I'm stupid - I forgot to post a link to ...
- I can't even find a photo of Crystal Ice Tower to ...
This may end up being nothing at all. Or it could be a climbing blog. Or just a blog where I can type things once and then not have to email and IM them to 5 million people who ask me what I did over the weekend or whatnot, because I'm lazy like that.
Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.
Especially I like the first site. But other links are informative too, if you are interested check all those links.http://google-index.info/885.html and http://neveo.info/2515.html
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