Monday, June 23, 2003

We got a new snake tonight since Kaga died. The new one I think is a girl. She is much fatter than Kaga was, and shorter. She has a white dorsal stripe and orange spots down the sides of her body, on a background of yellow (Kaga was black with bright neon green stripes). She seems friendlier - she doesn't bite. But if she bites I bet it will hurt a lot more than Kaga's bites did!!

I'm inclined to name her "the snake" just like my dove is "the dove" and my turtle is "the turtle" and my hamsters are "the hammies" (well actually Gammera was the name of mama ham but she ran away two months ago who knows where she is! And the turtle is nicknamed "Tommy" and the dove is "Davey" and my cat, Beezer, is "Martin". Go figure)

Grant said maybe we should name her Kishi.


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