Well a little cleaning goes a long way.
Last night I found the snake curled up under the rug in the living room while I was vacuuming. EW. What if I had vacuumed him up??!!!
THEN I found not one, but TWO HAMMIES living in the mattress of the sofabed in their room!! It was quite impressive. They had two entrances to their lair, a bathrrom, a lot of tunnels, and oh yes, they had completely destroyed the mattress.
So I didn't really feel bad taking a steak knife to the thing and ripping the entire top off to extricate them. Mama ham was very skinny (dehydrated I think) but the baby boy was fine. So now I have four hamster cages. Baby boy went into a small bird cage I had for when I take my dove outside for sun, mama want into a sectioned off bit of the baby girl cage, then there's the baby girl cage and then the papa ham cage.
I'm so excited that I got Gammera back AND Kaga back AND I got to rip up a mattress with a steak knife!!
Last night I found the snake curled up under the rug in the living room while I was vacuuming. EW. What if I had vacuumed him up??!!!
THEN I found not one, but TWO HAMMIES living in the mattress of the sofabed in their room!! It was quite impressive. They had two entrances to their lair, a bathrrom, a lot of tunnels, and oh yes, they had completely destroyed the mattress.
So I didn't really feel bad taking a steak knife to the thing and ripping the entire top off to extricate them. Mama ham was very skinny (dehydrated I think) but the baby boy was fine. So now I have four hamster cages. Baby boy went into a small bird cage I had for when I take my dove outside for sun, mama want into a sectioned off bit of the baby girl cage, then there's the baby girl cage and then the papa ham cage.
I'm so excited that I got Gammera back AND Kaga back AND I got to rip up a mattress with a steak knife!!
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