Tuesday, December 30, 2003

LOTS of cookies. We're going to a potluck in the Hamptons tomorrow for New Years and since we RSVP'd so late, we were told, "Hmm, I think we've got food covered, why don't you bring something for dessert, something easy like cookies?"

So, so far tonight I made dough for chocolate chunk cookies, cocoa white chocolate cookie,s peanut butter cookies, peanut butter-chocolate chip cookies, oatmeal-cranberry-toffee cookies and I made one batch of almond tuiles.

Meanwhile, Grant will be making brownies. We had to go to 4 different supermarkets to find the proper ground chocolate for them, but we've got it. Yay!

Of course, the potluck will be breaking around 11pm so we can head down to the Stephen Talkhouse to see Nancy Atlas!

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Ok, photobucket officially sucks. It ruins the quality of all the photos I store on it. I need to learn how to use .Mac.

Monday, December 22, 2003

Hahahahaha!! That's my uncle!! How fucking hilarious to come across him like that. Apparently he has no clue how he ended up there!

Saturday, December 20, 2003

It was REALLY COLD at the Jets game, that was expected. What WASN'T expected was that we were surreounded by Pats fans. Given that we were 11th row, 50 yrd line, either a lot of season ticket holders gave away their tix, or a lot of people sneaked in! Either way, it was cool because the Patriots won :)

Friday, December 19, 2003

What bugs me the most about Return of the King? It ends with a YELLOW door! What the fuck?!

Monday, December 15, 2003

Sunday, December 14, 2003

Really isn't anything better than onion soup on a day like today! On a day when you actually have time to sit aorund at home while the onions caramelize... mmmmm...................

Friday, December 12, 2003

Tomorrow I'm going to a photoshoot for an article that's going to run in Monday's New York Post (*shudder* *ugh*). I finished 90% of my dress; I haven't hemmed the lining of the overdress, but I doubt anyone is going to notice.

Dress it's based on (this is really the best photo of it since it was cut from the movie) here.

And because I just can't resist showing it off some more...

Thursday, December 11, 2003

This ring was one of my birthday presents from Grant. Pretty, huh? :)

Tuesday, December 09, 2003


See them here.

Sunday, December 07, 2003

She's so tired, she's sleeping with her tongue out! (sorry about the bad photoshop job editing out the flash from her eye. I'm too tired to spend time on it)

This I what I made today. I'm happy to say that they work really well and stay on and Stella loves frolicing in the snow that much more now that her paws don't get all iced up! Yay!

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Saw El Greco last Sunday. He paints nice skies and did some interesting things but quite honestly most of those interesting things I found to be very Michelangelo-ish and I just prefer Michelangelo, even though all those people were kind of way too into religion and other junk I don't understand. Maybe if someone wrote a book about El Greco like the Agony and the Ecstasy about Michelangelo I might like him more.

After that we went to Phoenix Garden and saw Mitch Miller. That was way cooler.

I saw Degas in Chicago when the exhibit was there 7 years ago or whatever it was.

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Monday, December 01, 2003

Just a reminder for city folk that Operation Santa is now underway at the main PO. You just go (it's at the north end of the building) and sort through letter and pick the ones that you want. Last year I bought pants, shirts, sweaters, and jackets for a family of three (plus a couple of educational toys I figured would be useful), pants and a shirt for another boy, and jeans and shoes for another girl. I made my mom chaffeur me around Harlem christmas day; it was great. I stole all her wrapping paper, and I stole clotihng boxes from work. Heh.